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In the second Level of Reiki, your channel is opened up to a greater vastness and the amount of energy that can be channelled increases on many levels. You will be introduced to three Usui symbols and learn how to send Reiki via distance to anyone or any situation around the world.


Our Reiki Level II Course is taught over two days of intensive training, including lecture, discussion and hands-on experience and requires that you have completed the First Level of Reiki.

Our Reiki Level II training is a combination of the Western Reiki style as introduced by Mrs. Takata, the traditional Japanese style of Usui and the Holy Fire® III Reiki system as introduced by William Lee Rand.


Please contact us for alternative payment plans.

Reiki Level II - Usui/Holy Fire® III

  • - Activation and use of the three Usui Reiki symbols (power symbol, mental/emotional symbol and distance symbol
    - Effects of Reiki Level II energy treatment
    - Japanese Reiki Techniques taught by Usui including: Koki ho - using the breath to send Reiki, Kenyoku - dry bathing or clearing one’s energy field
    - Step by step on how to give a full Reiki treatment 
    - Practice time using all the Reiki Level II symbols including distant healing techniques
    - Aspects of the professional business practice, insurance, Reiki associations, marketing tools, etc

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